Eelgrass Suitability Map

We created this interactive web map to show the most suitable locations for eelgrass transplanting in the Santa Monica Bay. We worked together with The Bay Foundation to collect and map a list of variables which would respresent eelgrass (Zostera Marina) suitability within Santa Monica bay. If you are interested in learning how we created this map check out our methodology sectiion in our report This map was built to be intuitive and easy to use, if you have any issues using the map please reeference our usage guide

Success Quantification Tool

To better understand the criteria typically used to evaluate the success of an eelgrass restoration site, and the measurements/values associated with those criteria, we conducted an in-depth meta-analysis of eelgrass restoration projects around the world. With the information gathered a 3 Star ranking system was created with an accompanying chart that breaks down this ranking based on 3 attributes and associated sub-attributes. Our hope is to aid in reassessing eelgrass restorations that may be overlooked and may critically require more monitorization than was first assumed.

Map of Existing Restoration Sites

Project List

Funding Sources

This graph depicts the various sources of funding for these projects, illustrating the cooperation between different levels of government and private corporations.

Funding Sources