Brave New Ocean: A Institute of the Environment Oppenheim Series Lecture by Dr. Jeremy Jackson, UCLA
About the lecture Dr. Jackson, a famed marine ecologist from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, describes how marine ecosystems are being transformed by human impacts, including habitat destruction, overfishing, introduced…
Video of Center for Tropical Research’s projects in Ecuador
A five-minute streaming video of CTR’s projects in Ecuador. To request a DVD of a longer 20 minute version of the video, please email Jordan Karubian at
Video de los proyectos de CTR en Ecuador
Investigación, conservación y educación en el noreste del Ecuador. To request a DVD of the video, please email Jordan Karubian at
What’s Good for the Planet and the Economy is Also Good for Health…With the Right Leadership
An Oppenheim lecture held April 14, 2008 by Dr. Richard Jackson, M.D., M.P.H. Professor and Chairman, Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UCLA. For many of…