By Jen Adachi & Tiffany Wu

This week was all about The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)! We applied to TGIF to fund a brand new permanent sign board at Sage Hill. If we receive the funding we requested, we hope to install the sign at Sage Hill’s main entrance by the Krieger Child Care Center. It will display information about native and endangered species, the local ecosystem, restoration efforts, and local history. This week, Kayla, Jen, and Tiffany spoke at a hearing in front of the TGIF board to explain the significance and relevance of our project. We’re excited to hear back from them in the next few weeks and we all have our fingers crossed that we get the funding we need!

We’ll wrap up this week with some weeding of Sage Hill, focusing on areas near native plants to make sure they aren’t outcompeted by the zillions of invasive grasses. Earlier this week Abir went out to Sage Hill with Dr. Gillespie to learn how to weed in our newly created 4×4 plots. We plan to identify more locations for plots and to transplant our Encelia californica seedlings into these plots around Sage Hill. Afterward, we will monitor their success throughout the rest of the year!