By Alex Wolfson
This week was a productive one and not just in the work we got done. We spent most of the week in smaller groups working on various parts of the project: we created our graphs displaying our data set and the conclusions we have drawn from it, we put together a field trip activity for the larger SAR community, and we divided up a list of cleaning products for research into green alternatives. This is one side of productivity, but not the only one. After a few weeks of scheduling conflicts that kept the whole team from meeting at once, we were finally able to get everyone in the same room for a group photo and check in. We caught up both with the project and with our lives. This social productivity is an important element of group projects that had been sorely missed! Working as a team is about more than just the quantity of work you get done, it is also about forming good relationships with other members of the team. This week was a productive one: we worked on our project and on our team.