Sage Hill


Andy Kleinhesselink

Managing Director of Sage Hill

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Thomas Gillespie

Co-Chair, Environmental Science and Engineering (D.Env.) Program; Professor

Department of Geography

Cully Nordby

Associate Director

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Advisory Committee

Ursula K. Heise

Professor and LENS Director

Department of English, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Peter Hendrickson

Associate Vice Chancellor

Design and Construction, UCLA Capital Programs

Travis Longcore

Adjunct Professor; Co-Chair, Environmental Science and Engineering (D.Env.) Program

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Shannon Speed


Director, American Indian Studies Center | Gender Studies/Anthropology

Thomas Wake

Senior Museum Scientist and Director, Zooarchaeology Lab

UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology

Felipe Zapata

Co-director, Center for Tropical Research

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Sylvia Zhang

Undergraduate EBE Major

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Restoration Team