By Sarah Huang
The women of Air Quality Team had a blast showing other SAR members a walkthrough and demonstration of our data collection method during a field trip to John Wooden Center. In addition, we held a fun trivia pop quiz where many SAR members impressed us with their extensive knowledge on the air quality. However, for most of spring quarter, the Air Quality Team has been somewhat fragmented as conflicting schedules have prevented us from all coming together to work on data analysis or to discuss recent developments and upcoming assignments in our research project. So, this upcoming Friday, the team will finally all be together to finalize the graphs we created from the air quality data and discuss our individual findings for the cleaning products audit. As the presentations and final leg of the project approaches, this is the perfect time to wrap up the various things we’ve been doing separately and bring the different components of our research together for a comprehensive review. With all different parts of our research coming to a close, hopefully we will be able to analyze the synergy of our results and compile thoughtful recommendations for UCLA Recreation, future SAR teams and other stakeholder groups interested in air quality.