
Exposing strategic assets to create new competencies: the case of technological acquisition in the waste management industry in Europe and North America

M. Delmas

Published Work | 1999 | Industrial and Corporate Change

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Population genetics of ice age brown bears

Leonard, J. A.; Wayne, R. K.; Cooper, A.

Published Work | 1999 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97(4), 1651–1654


Southern Californian Environmental Report Card 1999

Richard Berk, Arthur M. Winer, Michael K. Stenstrom

Report Card | 1999

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Biotic Surveys of Bioko and Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea, 1999

Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; Girman, D.; Stauffer, D.; Mila, B.; Drewes, R.C.; Griswold, C.E.; Vindum, J.V.; Ubick, D., O'Keefe, K.; Nguema, J., Henwood, L.

Progress Report | 1999

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