
Greening the Supply Chain: When are customer pressures effective?

M. Delmas, I. Montiel

Published Work | 2010 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 18(1): 171-201.

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Mapping the risk of avian influenza in wild birds in the U.S.

Fuller, T.; Saatchi, S.; Curd, E. E.; Toffelmier, E.; Thomassen, H.; Buermann, W.; DeSante, D. F.; Nott, M. P.; Saracco, J. F.; Ralph, C. J.; Alexander, J. D.; Pollinger, J. P.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 2010 | BMC Infectious Diseases 10(187)


Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: the Trade-Offs of Sustainability Ratings

M. Delmas, V. Blass

Published Work | 2010 | Business Strategy and the Environment

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