
An Institutional Perspective on the Diffusion of International Management System Standards: The Case of the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001

M. Delmas, M. Montes-Sanch

Published Work | 2011 | Business Ethics Quarterly

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U.S. state policies for renewable energy: Context and effectiveness

M. Delmas, M. Montes-Sancho

Published Work | 2011 | Energy Policy

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Mandatory Information Disclosure Policy: Evidence from the electric utility industry

M. Delmas, J. Shimshack, M. Montes

Working Paper | 2010

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Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility: An Efficiency Perspective

C. Chen, M. Delmas

Published Work | 2010 | Production and Operations Management

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Greening the Supply Chain: When are customer pressures effective?

M. Delmas, I. Montiel

Published Work | 2010 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 18(1): 171-201.

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Socially Responsible Investing: The Need for Transparency

M. Delmas, V. Blass

Published Work | 2010 | Business Strategy & the Environment. 19: 245-260

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Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: the Trade-Offs of Sustainability Ratings

M. Delmas, V. Blass

Published Work | 2010 | Business Strategy and the Environment

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Voluntary Agreements to Improve Environmental Quality: Symbolic and Substantive Cooperation

M. Delmas, M. Montes-Sancho

Published Work | 2009

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Eco-Labeling Strategies: The Eco-Premium Puzzle in the Wine Industry

M. Delmas, L. Grant

Published Work | 2008 | Business & Society

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The Diffusion of Voluntary International Management Standards: Responsible Care, ISO 9000, and ISO 14001 in the Chemical Industry

M. Delmas, I. Montiel

Published Work | 2008 | The Policy Studies Journal

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