
Cities treated as things: imagining post-fossil cities

Stephanie Pincetl

Published Work | 2020 | Territory, Politics, Governance

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Political & Economic Drivers of Wildland-urban Interface (WUI) Development in California

S. Kennedy, S. Pincetl

Presentation | 2018

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Climate Change in Los Angeles County: Grid Vulnerability to Extreme Heat

D. Burillo, M. Chester, S. Pincetl, E. Fournier, D.B. Walton, F. Sun, M. Schwartz, K. Reich, and A. Hall

Presentation | 2018

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Groundwater Exchange Pools and Urban Water Supply Sustainability: Modeling Directed and Undirected Networks

E. Porse, K. Mika, R. Williams, M. Gold. W. Blomquist, S. Pincetl

Published Work | 2018 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

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The economic value of local water supplies in Los Angeles

E. Porse, K. Mika, E. Litvak, K. Manago, T. Hogue, M. Gold, D. Pataki, S. Pincetl

Published Work | 2018 | Nature Sustainability

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Open data and Stormwater Systems in Los Angeles: Applications for Equitable Green Infrastructure

E. Porse

Published Work | 2018 | The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

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