
The Benefits and Limits of Urban Tree Planting for Environmental and Human Health

Diane E. Pataki, Marina Alberti, Mary L. Cadenasso, Alexander J. Felson, Mark J. McDonnell, Stephanie Pincetl, Richard V. Pouyat, Heikki Setälä and Thomas H. Whitlow

Published Work | 2021 | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Urban Ecology

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SARS-CoV-2: Cross-scale Insights from Ecology and Evolution

Snedden, C.E., Makanani, S.K., Schwartz, S.T., Gamble, A., Blakey, R. V., Borremans, B., Helman, S.K., Espericueta, L., Valencia, A., Endo, A., Alfaro, M.E., Lloyd-Smith, J.O.

Published Work | 2021 | Trends Microbiol. 29, 593–605


UCLA La Kretz Center 2020 Annual Report

Shaffer, H.B. and G.B. Bucciarelli

Annual Report | 2021

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