
energy innovation conference

Energy Innovation Conference

Ariana Vita, class of 2016 Project summary: Ariana proactively worked with a team of students from the Anderson School of Management to co-organize the Energy Innovation Conference hosted at UCLA…

equity in park funding

Equity in Park Funding

Los Angeles has one of the worst reputations in the country when it comes to parks in metropolitan regions. But that could change on November 8, if voters approve Measure…

green spaces & buildings

Green Spaces & Buildings

The Green Spaces & Buildings team approached the Green Buildings sector of sustainability practices in an alternative way with the goal of maximizing use of spaces already existing on UCLA…

krieger daycare sustainability

Krieger Daycare Sustainability

The team worked with the Krieger Center, a child care center on UCLA’s campus, to improve sustainability at the facility. The center serves the 165 children of UCLA faculty, staff,…

la water hub

LA Water Hub

The Water Hub is a dynamic visualization and mapping platform (; an online data repository for viewing and finding water-related information in Los Angeles County.

landscape conservation partnership

Landscape Conservation Partnership

The Center for Tropical Research has recently developed new models in California to determine the amount of intraspecific genetic variation present in an area. Recently, we tested this new approach in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreational Area (SMNRA), part of the southern subunit (2) of the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative.

west nile virus

West Nile Virus

West Nile virus (WNV) has spread rapidly in North America, threatening wildlife and posing serious health risks to humans. In order to better understand how the distribution of WNV will further impact populations, we model the incidence of WNV infections under current conditions, and use these to predict where the disease may occur in the future.