
ctr reports

CTR Reports 1996-2007

CTR Director, Tom Smith, and CTR collaborators have conducted extensive studies of vertebrate and plant species in Africa over the past decades and have produced comprehensive reports for government agencies…

education and outreach

Education and Outreach

Overview Our most dramatic and exciting advances in 2005 have come in the area of community outreach and education. This aspect of the project is co-designed and implemented by Ms.…

research across ecuador and beyond

Research Across Ecuador and Beyond

Overview The Center for Tropical Research conducts cutting edge research in the Amazon and the Andes to complement our primary focus on the Chocó. In these projects, CTR combines the…

photo in the news: regurgitating birds aid rain forest

Research in the Chocó Rainforest

Our Efforts Top-level scientific research is the mainstay of our efforts in Ecuador. The breadth, depth, and quality of our science is what sets us apart from other conservation organizations.…



Overview CTR believes that building in-country capacity is fundamental to achieving long-term conservation results in Ecuador. In keeping with this goal, we have provided training and collaboration to a broad…