
Sustainable Food Systems: Food Waste

The 2014 Sustainable Food Systems Team (SFS)  measured food waste in on-campus eateries and educated the UCLA campus about the many linkages between food, waste, water, and climate change. The…

Toxic Release Inventory University Challenge

Student(s): Ha Hyun Chung, Carmen Marie-Therese Ehlinger, Fannie Hsieh, Leanna Huynh, Larry Yulin Lai, Amy Tat, Audrey Vinant-Tang Client: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Advisor: Prof. Magali Delmas Final Report

ucla grand challenges assessment

UCLA Grand Challenges Assessment

 2014 was first year for a ART Grand Challenge Team. The team’s primary goals for the year are to figure out how research being done by professors at UCLA can…

water action research

Water Action Research

The 2014 Water Team is collaborated with UCLA’s Water Task Force to research, develop, and implement water conservation efforts aimed at helping the university meet the standards set by UC policy and…

zero waste pauley pavilion

Zero Waste Pauley Pavilion

The Zero Waste Pauley Pavilion Team worked on making Pauley Pavilion, UCLA’s indoor sports arena, a zero-waste facility, ensuring that all waste is either composted, recycled, or re-purposed. The team conducted  waste…

asucla sustainability

ASUCLA Sustainability

The 2013 ASUCLA team worked to educate students on proper waste disposal practices, particularly with respect to recycling. Through extensive surveying, waste audits, student feedback, meetings with Athens Services and more, the…

Building For A Greener Future

Students: Albert Park, Cassandra Trickett, Dane Worley, Jamie Tian, Julie Kelleher, Riley Cutner, and Tinny Cheung Client: Gensler Advisor: Dr. Deepak Rajagopal Final Report