
john wooden energy audit

John Wooden Energy Audit

The team’s goals were to improve energy efficiency in John Wooden Center by gathering data from electrical audits with an emphasis on large-scale lighting and air handlers.  In addition, the…

meow! a cat discussion

Meow! A Cat Discussion

New studies indicate that cats have a negative impact on native biodiversity and are a threat to human health. So what’s a cat lover to do?

rethinking water at unicamp (year 2)

Rethinking Water at UniCamp (Year 2)

Students: Jalmeen Dhaliwal, Emily Donnelly, Shalini Kannan, Kristina Kayatta, Sharline Kim, Ethan Singer Client: UCLA UniCamp Advisor: Dr. Michael McGuire (UCLA Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering) Final Report

setting targets for emissions reductions

Setting Targets for Emissions Reductions

Students: Clayton Cosbie, Pei Kong, Mikael Matossian, Matthew Schulte, Christine Shen, Kylie Wagner Client: City of Santa Monica Advisor: Dr. Juan Matute (UCLA Lewis Center and the Institute of Transportation…

waste diversion at university apartments

Waste Diversion at University Apartments

The University Apartments Team worked toward increasing the diversion of waste to recycling at the UCLA University Village graduate apartments on Sawtelle and Sepulveda Avenues. The team educated residents about…

water conservation in campus buildings

Water Conservation in Campus Buildings

The focus of the 2015 Water Action Research Team was to decrease water consumption in on-campus restrooms.  The team worked towards getting aerators installed on faucets across campus.  Aerators attach…

action research team: hospital sustainability

Action Research Team: Hospital Sustainability

The 2014 Hospital Sustainability Team focused efforts on three main sustainability projects for the UCLA Health System: assessing the sustainability of the food system, assisting with the Earth Day Fair at Ronald Reagan Medical Center (RRMC), and improving educational initiatives through an online module for new hospital staff.