Students: Austin Daniel Avan, Caleb Daehyuk Chi, Lauren Su Gray, Matthew Yunkyu Im, Megan C Reed, Alyssa Marie Worsham Client: Laguna Greenbelt Advisor: Dr. Debra Shier (UCLA Dept. of Ecology…
Students: Kristie Louise Ashby, Irene Takako Farr, Thalia Elizabeth Laguna, Mindy Ngoc Pham, Juan Carlos Ruiz, Karan Dayanand Shetty Client: City of Los Angeles and National Park Service Advisor: Stephanie…
The City of Maywood is a small, under-represented community in the heavily industrialized port “Gateway” area of Los Angeles. The residents, more than 26 percent of whom live below the…
Students: Valerie Carranza, Di Chen, Marjon Juybari, Katie Vinh Luong, Ryan Scott Nelson, Stephanie Ka Yin Ng, Huyen Pham Client: Natural Resources Defense Council Advisor: Dr. Felicia Federico (IoES) Final…
Students: Yancey Yewell Ii Cashell, Chloe Maddison-Rose Hood, Kaylyn Avery Levine, Cathilynn Luong, Jacqueline Ka Wen Mak, Kai Lin Kathleen Yap Client: Natural Capital Project and the Nature Conservancy Advisor:…
Overview The UCLA Center for Tropical Research (CTR) is at the forefront of research and surveillance of avian influenza virus (bird flu or avian flu) in wild birds. CTR has…
Malaria parasites use vertebrate hosts for the asexual stages of their life cycle and Dipteran vectors for both the sexual and asexual development, but the literature on avian malaria parasites remains biased towards bird-parasite associations. Our work samples vectors/birds to provide information about status of infection of both host and vector.
2016’s Biodiversity Action Research Team conducted research at Sage Hill on the UCLA campus. The team studied proof of concept for best methods of restoration. The project looked into the…
Southern California harbors some of the highest levels of biodiversity on the continent, yet is also home to millions of humans that compete for wildlife space and resources. In order to best balance these often competing components, researchers at the Center for Tropical Research are helping to construct a Los Angeles Biodiversity Atlas.
Students: Amanda Rose Mattes, Alana Rose Mckean, Kajori Purkayastha, Elizabeth Abigail Roswell, Jonathan Adam Saltzman, Kaylee Noelle Vanni, Kimberly Susan Wong Client: Environment Now Advisor: Noah Garrison (IoES) Final Report
Researchers at the La Kretz Center are developing a framework for protecting the genetic integrity of the endangered California tiger salamander from invasive non-natives.
Awardee: Tiara Moore. Tiara is conducting a yearlong study to determine if there is a relationship between nutrient-stimulated eutrophication and estuarine acidification in the highly eutrophic Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve.