California is the nation’s largest agricultural producer, providing more than 400 different farm products and producing nearly half of the country’s fruits, nuts and vegetables. It also takes 40 percent…
Many organizations or even government agencies in islands lack the rigorous financial administration processes that would allow them to be eligible to receive foreign funds. This project will provide recommendations…
Awardee: Sarah Helman, PhD Student. Sarah is working with wildlife and veterinary agencies to obtain coyote fecal samples from within and around urban Los Angeles, which I will use to test for intestinal pathogens and parasites.
Islands are especially vulnerable to certain risks: particularly in the form of environmental risks from climate change and natural disasters. These risks can be especially hazardous to a small-scale island…
Thanks to a significant grant from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and former Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, the UCLA La Kretz Field Station is proud to announce the opening…
LENS Magazine, hosted on, is home to essays, photography & art, criticism, stories, theory & practice and interviews curated by the Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS). is…
The Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project was founded in 1990 by Susan Perry, with the help of Joseph Manson and Julie Gros-Louis, for the purpose of studying social intelligence in the…
Awardee: Daniel Cooper, PhD Student. Dan is investigating the urban bird community of the Los Angeles area, assessing changes over time using both early-historical records and data from the Los Angeles Breeding Bird Atlas, with a focus on nesting raptors and colonial waterbirds.
For more than a decade, the State of California has undertaken periodic scientific assessments with the goal of understanding future climate change impacts on the state. For the first three…