In collaboration with the National Park Service, La Kretz Postdoc Dr. Rachel Blakey is investigating how large wildfires, like the Woolsey fire of 2018, influence the movement and behavior of California's top carnivore: the mountain lion.
Pictured above, left to right: Ryan Hallman (Team Leader), Monica Portillo, Ayahna Mack, Gabriel Hernandez, Stephanie Hauschildt (Team Leader), and Corbin Kehrberg SAR Sustainable Purchasing Team: Enhancing the Ethical and Sustainable Framework of UCLA’s Promotional…
Pictured above, left to right: Jonah Eisen, Jacob Gerigk (Team Leader), Amber Lam, Kate Minden, Zachary Alter (Team Leader), and Sarina Levin SAR Green Games Team: Enhancing UCLA Athletic…
We created Environmental Justice and First Nations as a way to recognize and amplify the voices of Indigenous people. This program aims to recruit and retain Indigenous students in STEM…
Environmental Science Without Borders (ESWB) is an international peer-mentorship program where students and scientists from different countries come together and learn from one another in environmental fields. ESWB was created…
Extreme Weather in California and Climate Change: Droughts and Flooding California was in drought from 2006-2009, and then again for another three years, from 2011 to 2014. Los Angeles and…
In 2007, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa released the city’s master plan to revitalize the Los Angeles River. Today, the concrete channel is seeing an influx of investment aimed at…
It is theorized that islands are the perfect location for the blue economy because of the physical proximity and expansiveness of the surrounding ocean. But more than just large areas…
Awardee: Erin Toffelmier, Ph.D. student in Brad Shaffer’s lab. Erin's research focuses on understanding the drivers of population declines in the Santa Barbara County populations of the California tiger salamander, Ambystoma californiense.
Hi everyone! Our team is part of the IOES senior practicum project at UCLA. We are a group of undergraduates researching ocean acidification in the Santa Monica Bay. The practicum…
The Inclusive Sustainability Collective at CDLS was created by, and structured for, people with various backgrounds and identities to increase sustainability efforts at UCLA and the Los Angeles Community at…