Our oceans experience severe negative impacts from human-induced global warming. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is absorbed by seawater. This leads to…
With support from voters, Los Angeles County is investing billions of dollars from Measures W, H, A, and M in clean, safe water, housing and homeless services, parks and open…
Awardee: Elijah Catalan, first year Ph.D. student at the Institute of Environment and Sustainability. Elijah's research intends to bring together genomic-based biodiversity monitoring, biogeochemistry, Indigenous tribal knowledge, and stewardship programs to understand the resilience of coastal and marine biodiversity to climate change and possibilities for adaptation on the West Coast.
This project aims to determine optimal strategies for conserving endangered Yosemite Toads (Anaxyrus canorus). Populations of Yosemite toads (Anaxyrus canorus), endemic to the Sierra Nevada range in California, plummeted in…
In this project, Dr. Kelly Kay and Andrea Furnaro focus on the phase-out of longstanding fossil fuel infrastructure as part of the Los Angeles Green New Deal plan. While other…
Hidden between Hitch Suites and Sunset Boulevard on UCLA’s campus are four acres of land home to the highest diversity of native California flora and fauna species in west Los…
Pritzker Award Affiliate: Amelia Wenger is a research fellow at the University of Queensland and was nominated for the Pritzker Genius Award in 2021. Impact Fellow: Regina Adigwe (IoES doctoral student)…
Pritzker Award Affiliate: Anousheh Ansari, CEO of XPRIZE and judge for the Pritzker Award. Impact Fellow: Emma Barnosky (IoES doctoral student) Project objectives: 1. Produce a whitepaper outlining a program strategy for…
The United States is the second largest global emitter of greenhouse gasses. Roughly 27 percent of the U.S.’ total emissions stem from production of electricity — second only to the…
Disadvantaged communities concentrated in southern Los Angeles County lack fair options when it comes to water supply. When served by public utilities, aging infrastructure, water quality problems, and other complications can…