
LENS cast-alt-CC


The new podcast from UCLA's Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies shares stories of environmental justice and imagination in California and beyond.

Smokestack emitting smoke

Local solutions to curb air pollution

Pritzker Award Affiliate: Chris Hagerbaumer, Executive Director of OpenAQ, an organization founded by Christa Hasenkopf, who was nominated for the award in 2019.  Impact Fellow: Viraj Sawant (IoES doctoral student) Project…

Monitoring of artificial reef restoration in Palos Verdes using eDNA

Awardee: Elijah Catalan, first year Ph.D. student at the Institute of Environment and Sustainability. Elijah's research intends to bring together genomic-based biodiversity monitoring, biogeochemistry, Indigenous tribal knowledge, and stewardship programs to understand the resilience of coastal and marine biodiversity to climate change and possibilities for adaptation on the West Coast.