
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

California Public Utilities Commission Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Program Data Working Group

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) selected the California Center for Sustainable Communities (CCSC) at UCLA, with support from the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC), to facilitate the R. 22-11-013 “Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Program Cost-Effectiveness Issues, Data Access and Use, and Equipment Performance Standards” Data Working Group.

Gas Stove burning

Mindful Gas Decommissioning

California’s goal of decarbonizing the state’s energy sector by 2045 requires an accompanying strategic approach to the decommissioning of the extensive gas infrastructure, currently comprising over 11 million meters and spanning more than 100,000 miles.

Solar Installation

LADWP – LA100 Equity Strategies Initiative

As part of the LA100 Equity Strategies study CCSC developed estimates of as-built and existing service capacities of residential properties throughout the LADWP service territory, and future upgrade requirements to handle comprehensive electrification.

community solar opportunities map

Community Solar Opportunities Map

Where is the best place to put solar panels in your neighborhood? The solar opportunity map is a web tool built to assist community-based organizations to access data necessary to identify high potential sites for community solar or resiliency centers within LA County.

ucla energy atlas

UCLA Energy Atlas

The UCLA Energy Atlas is the first of its kind interactive web atlas that provides access to the largest and most disaggregated building energy data available in the nation. It now comprises data from both Southern California and the Bay Area.

water sprinkler

Water Management Conservation and Planning

This project analyzed the environmental and economic impacts of proposed state regulations for water use. This grant has high policy impact for managing urban water budgets. CCSC brings novel understandings about water use by urban park departments in California and how much is needed to maintain vegetation health with an emphasis on trees.

los angeles sustainability plan

Los Angeles Sustainability Plan

The County of Los Angeles has developed the first county-wide sustainability plan, and has contracted with UCLA, in collaboration with the engineering firm Buro Happold, and with Liberty Hill Foundation.…

community solar opportunities map

The Healthy Home Study

As California moves forward with its aggressive agenda to decarbonize its energy system, care must be taken to assess the degree to which its pursuit of various energy system transformation pathways is likely to result in additional benefits for Californians. One extremely important category of benefits is the reduction of health risks that result from exposure to natural gas combustion by-products, both from appliances within homes and from grid scale generation stations.

climate change in los angeles county: grid vulnerability to extreme heat

Climate Change in Los Angeles County: Grid Vulnerability to Extreme Heat

In this project, UCLA and Arizona State University researchers developed a sophisticated and in-depth description of future electricity demand, grid response, and vulnerability due to increased heat events in Southern California Edison territory under current and future climate scenarios. The project's findings enable innovative grid management and operation strategies and identify adaptation guidance.