
Bird Migration Tracking in the Santa Monica Mountains at Stunt Ranch Reserve
Awardee: Kelsey Reckling, a second year PhD Student, primarily studies bird migration in the Western United States.

Effects of Urbanization and Feral Cats on the Psychobiology of LA’s Most Abundant Lizard
Awardee: Colleen De Allaume, a third year Undergraduate Student in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department

Investigating Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis prevalence in a fragile vernal pool ecosystem
Awardee: Erica Ro, an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Environmental Science with a concentration in Conservation Biology, is broadly interested in urban ecology and conservation science.

Investigating the Transient Effects of Ocular Blood Sampling on Sceloporus Occidentalis
Awardee: May Jiang, a fourth year Biology undergraduate interested in urban animal ecology and plant biology.

Plant performance-dispersal feedbacks in a California annual grassland community
Awardee: Lauren Glevanik, a PhD candidate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, works with a plant community of annual wildflowers and grasses.

Undergraduate Senior Practicum
Recruit a team of five to seven seniors from our environmental B.S. program to address a current environmental science, policy or management challenge. Teams are faculty-advised and work with public…

A restoration and monitoring plan for Sage Hill
Student Team: Bec Chenowith, Kolby Emison, Jacqueline Gonzalez Hurtado, Isaac Law, Angela Sarunchartinonth, Sarah Schmitt, and Emma Strassner Client: UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability Advisor: Dr. Andy Kleinhesselink How should we…

Analyzing attitudes toward oil and gas drilling in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles region, one of the nation’s most diverse and densely populated urban areas, is also home to the country’s largest urban oil field. More than 24,000 active, idle,…

Assessing environmental antibiotic resistance in surface waters near concentrated animal feeding operations in Michigan
Roughly 80% of antibiotics used in the United States are given to farm animals to treat and prevent livestock illnesses and to promote animal growth. This process involves providing animals…

Assessing sustainability awareness and attitudes within the AC Milan Football Club’s fanbase
Every year, professional sports are responsible for emitting as much as 350 million tons of carbon dioxide from travel, infrastructure, and waste generation, equivalent to emissions from more than 75…

Assessing the sustainability of a single professional football match through life cycle analysis
Sports have an innate power to unify communities, drive social inclusion, and unite people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. But they also have immense effects on the environment – professional…

California Public Utilities Commission Distributed Energy Resource Program Data Working Group
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) selected the California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA, with support from LARC, to facilitate a Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Data Working Group.