zero waste events team photo stream: winter 2018

SAR Project | 2018

Enhancing the feasibility of Zero Waste Practices at UCLA Recreation Events

enhancing the feasibility of zero waste practices at ucla recreation events

Our project’s goal is to make Zero Waste events achievable for all sides involved in event planning. To accomplish this goal, we plan to create a Zero Waste Event guideline system that uses Green incentives, clear & precise criteria, and a centralized communication network. This guideline system would be catered toward the nature of the event. As a group, we are also planning to work with on-campus caterers to offer more sustainable options. Additionally, on top of addressing catering, we would like to discuss the feasibility of more sustainable water distribution methods. Overall, we want Zero Waste events to be feasible but also sought after by event planners done through incentives.

Stakeholder: Katie Zeller and Bonny Bentzin

Leaders: David Zeng and Valeree Catangay

Members: Alicia Kwan, Anna Thomas, Owen Emerson, Zach Alter

Final Report

Final Presentation

Press Release

Midterm Report
