assessing emerging active transportation options at ucla

SAR Project | 2019

Assessing Emerging Active Transportation Options at UCLA

Pictured above, left to right: Kyle Willenborg, Anna Weir, Brooke Shimasaki (Team Leader), Natalie Gonzalez, and Madeline Jordan (Team Leader)


SAR Transportation Team:

Assessing Emerging Active Transportation Options at UCLA


Project Description:  

Electric scooters are one of the newest forms of sustainable transportation at UCLA. While they allow students to move efficiently on and around campus with minimal carbon emissions, there are still logistical elements that need to be considered including parking locations and ride lanes.  In order to better understand and support this sustainable mode of transportation while still being mindful of overall campus safety, the SAR Transportation team plans to conduct attitude surveys and spot count assessments of electric scooters. Attitude surveys will aim to uncover student motivations for using electric scooters and gauge their compliance concerning specific parking locations. The spot count assessment will help identify trends in ridership throughout the quarter as well as assess the use of current e-scooter parking infrastructure. Following all of this data collection, we hope to create some sort of GIS based visual to represent the parking spaces themselves, as well as the date we collect (i.e. which locations have higher and lower numbers of e-scooters).


Stakeholder: Jimmy Tran, UCLA Active Transportation Planner

Leaders: Brooke Shimasaki and Madeline Jordan

Members: Kyle Willenborg, Anna Weir, and Natalie Gonzalez


Press Release

Midterm Presentation

Midterm Report

Final Presentation

Final Report