Pritzker Award Affiliate: Chris Hagerbaumer, Executive Director of OpenAQ, an organization founded by Christa Hasenkopf, who was nominated for the award in 2019.
Impact Fellow: Viraj Sawant (IoES doctoral student)
Project objective: Build capacity for locally tailored solutions that curb air pollution, tackle climate change and improve human health.
Activity includes: Provide support to the planning of stakeholder and data design workshops as part of the projects. Workshops are being held in two pilot cities – Indore and Jakarta. Work includes collaborating with local teams in both cities to develop specific objectives, activity plans, and questionnaires for workshops in both cities. After completion of workshops, provide support in any post-workshop activities to the global project consortium and local teams. Beyond the workshops, work with OpenAQ to advance their mission of building a repository of robust quality open-source air quality data for grassroots organizations and other users. This may include outreach, communications, and partnership work.