SAR Community Gardens Team
Exploring Community Garden Engagement on Campus
Exploring How Increased Community Garden Engagement Can Connect Students, Faculty, and Staff to Existing Campus Resources, Which Promote Food Security, Urban Agriculture, and Healthy Lifestyles
Our research project seeks to understand the potential social and environmental impacts of having the Jane B Semel HCI community garden at UCLA. The target goal of the project is to establish an outreach program that aims to educate students about gardening and increase the visibility and interest in the HCI community garden among UCLA students and staff. We will engage students with urban agriculture programs and maximize the pot with locally-sourced produce. At the UCLA campus, several other aspects of gardening are explored including the benefits on mental health and the potential for on-campus composting. The first part of our research will include taking baseline soil samples of the garden beds to identify knowledge gaps that currently exist about the status of our gardens. These knowledge gaps will help us form educational opportunities for students that will increase overall garden engagement on campus.
Stakeholder(s): Mark Biedlingmaier, Antoine Kunsch
Team Leaders: Jonah Eisen, Jack Miller
Team Members: Jada Larson, Julia Campbell, Claire Villegas, Amy Stanfield, Jessie Fleming
Final Deliverables
Media Assignments
Other Deliverables
Midterm Report: “Expanding Experiential Learning Opportunities Through UCLA Community Gardens”
Midterm Presentation: Community Gardens 2020 Midterm Presentation
Press Release: “How Can Community Gardens Serve to Address Food Security and Increase Food System Sustainability?”
Final Presentation: “How can our university garden infrastructure be integrated into existing food and health related resources at UCLA to optimize the social and environmental impacts?”
Final Report: “Optimizing the Social and Environmental Impacts of Garden Infrastructure”