climate currents

Special Project | 2019

Climate Currents

Climate Currents is a student-created publication that features diverse perspectives throughout environmental science. A team of 9 early career fellows give voice to those experiencing climate change and other environmental injustices firsthand while simultaneously educating the public about environmental science. Our work features experiences of scientists working in environmental research, activists involved in stewardship, and support scientific literacy.

“Climate change is real and environmental injustices exist. The more people can understand the facts of these pressing issues, the more people have the ability to be change agents in the world.”

– Hayley Bricker, CDLS Fellow


Op-Ed: “Wildfires are on the Ballot this Fall” by Dr. Olivia V. Sanderfoot and Madeleine Siegel

“Wildfires are on the ballot this fall. Together, let’s elect Senators and Congresspeople who will protect our right to breathe clean air.” Check out this op-ed published via CDLS Climate Currents by Dr. Olivia V. Sanderfoot, postdoctoral scholar at UCLA’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Madeleine Siegel, doctoral researcher at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, to learn more!

“The Monarch Butterfly: A Symbol of Community, Climate, and Perseverance” by Katherine Hernandez

The monarch butterfly is a well-known symbol of Latinx communities and the ongoing fight for immigration rights, but in the face of rising temperatures and habitat loss, can the symbol itself survive? Check out this article by CDLS Environmental Justice Working Group member Katherine Hernandez to learn more!


Our series include “This Week in Climate,” a digest of climate change news across the globe. Another published series, “Journey Through Science,” highlights people affiliated with CDLS and the unique, often poignant journeys they traversed along their path to becoming a scientist.

Upcoming series include “How Does Climate Change Impact You?,” which aims to humanize the effects of climate change. Climate change can seem far removed to those who are not on the frontlines, but, in reality, we all experience it at some level and this is a phenomenon that leaves none untouched. Another upcoming series, the “Illuminated Science Series” discusses complex scientific concepts in digestible terms. 

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