climate lobbying

Database | 2016

​Climate Change Lobbying Dataset

This dataset contains annual lobbying expenditures. It has 3201 firm-year observations of: (1) lobbying expenditures; (2) climate lobbying expenditures; (3) outside climate lobbying expenditure; and (4) number of outside climate lobbyists and is derived from the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). It carries this Creative Commons license.


We investigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and lobbying expenditure by examining 1,141 firms from 2006 to 2009 and find that both clean and dirty firms are active in lobbying, suggesting that clean firms perceive more stringent environmental policy as an opportunity.

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Citation: Delmas, M.A, Lim, J., & Nairn-Birch, N. 2016. Corporate Environmental Performance and Lobbying. Academy of Management Discoveries 2(2): 175–197.

Please contact Professor Magali Delmas with any questions.

Data Access Instructions

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Related Publications

Corporate environmental performance and lobbying

M. Delmas, J. Lim, N. Nairn-Birch

Published Work | 2016 | Academy of Management Discoveries

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