built environment: 2017-2018 focus

Research Project | 2017

Built Environment: 2017-2018 Focus

For the 2017-2018 academic year, the Corporate Partners Program will focus on the built environment. The program will explore trends and new developments in building design, construction, materials and technologies. How will autonomous vehicles change our landscape? What are the impacts of an employee’s workspace on their productivity and well-being? Which technologies are going to radicalize design and construction to reduce footprints, while minimizing capital costs? These are only a few of the questions that may be contained within the annual scope.

A kickoff symposium introducing the topic was held October 3, 2017. A summary of the discussion is available if you were unable to attend.

Based on the conversations at the event and input from our membership, research questions were identified.and students spend the remainder of the academic year analyzing existing resources for the most relevant information and presented their findings in green papers.

The students presented their work at our closing event on May 1. An event summary captures the highlights of the speakers from Microsoft, CBRE, Southern California Edison and Equinix who also presented.

2017-2018 Student Research Topics

1. The Workplace Biome: Biophilic Design Strategies for a Productive and Healthy Office Ecosystem

    Students: Willem Swârt (M. Arch. ‘18) & Leigh Anna Johnson (B.S.’ 19)

2. GreenScore: Sustainable Evaluation System for Procurement Strategies

    Students: Antoine Kunsch (D.Env.’20) & Kelsey Hartfelder (B.S.’19)

3. Open Concept Office: Good for Business?

    Students: Amanda Wagner (D.Env.’21) & Anna Nordstrom (B.S.’19) 

4. LA Better Buildings Challenge:Unlocking the Efficiency Opportunities in Small Buildings

    Students: Sonali Abraham (D.Env.’20), Tomoko Kanda (MURP ’19) & Jason Beard (B.A.’ 19) 

The complete final reports for each of the projects are available to CPP members.