Zack Gold
PhD Student
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Terasaki Life Sciences, Room 2140
610 Charles E. Young Dr. South
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Zack Gold is a PhD student in Professor Paul Barber’s lab at UCLA currently researching the spatial and temporal variation of environmental DNA and the ability to use eDNA to assess the effects of multiple human stressors including chronically impaired water quality and fishing pressures on marine ecosystems. He received his B.S. in marine biology with Honors from Stanford University in 2015 where gained a background in coral reef ecology, ocean acidification, and marine policy. As an avid surfer, former ocean lifeguard, and underwater photographer, Zack has a deep passion for the marine environment and its protection from environmental impacts. Zack hopes to gain more experience at the intersection of research and policy, with a focus on understanding the interplay of local (pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction) and global (climate change and ocean acidification) stressors on marine ecosystems. Zack is also the graduate student representative to the IOES Coastal Center working to build an graduate student ocean community at UCLA campus.