Steve McCormick
Venture Partner
Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation
Nominated Daniela Fernandez (2021)
Nominated Ankit Agarwal (2020)
Nominated Kaushik Kappagantulu (2019)
Nominated Dan Hammer (2018 winner)
Steve McCormick serves as Venture Partner at the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation. He is responsible for identifying and supporting DRK Entrepreneurs. Steve currently serves on the board of DRK grantees Cloud to Street, DIGDEEP, and Replate.
Steve is co-founder and CEO of The Earth Genome, which is developing the first global information platform on ecosystem services and natural capital. The goal is to guide better decision-making on sustainability in the private and public sectors.
Steve served as president of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, one of the largest foundations in the U.S., from 2007-2014. Before that he worked for The Nature Conservancy for thirty years, beginning in 1977 as western regional legal counsel, and eventually serving as President and CEO from 2000-2008.
Steve is a recipient of the Chevron Conservation Award, the Edmund G. Brown Award for Environmental and Economic Balance, the John Pritzlaff Conservation Award, and the California League of Conservation Voters’ Conservation Leadership Award. Steve holds a B.S. in Agricultural Economics from the University of California at Berkeley (1973), and a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of Law (1976).