scott gruber

Scott Gruber

Designer | Developer

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

4356 Life Sciences
Los Angeles, CA 90095


Scott is a designer and developer building an ethical design practice grounded in accessibility, performance and aesthetics. He build sites that work for everyone, load fast and look good. He maintains and develops the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability website, servers and technology stack.

He is a WordPress senior developer. And is comfortable coding in smaller content management systems such as CraftCMS, Perch and the Jamstack. He enjoys writing modern CSS and semantic HTML and serves as a translator between comms, academics, researchers, project managers, content strategists, UX designers and programmers.

He is a web accessibility specialist, a certified Carpentries instructor and teaches design and coding workshops for students, staff and faculty. He is a member of UCLA UX and previously served as a volunteer at the UCLA Health System’s UX and patient technology council.

Some of his hobbies include playing classical guitar, bird watching by bike and studying Mandarin Chinese.