Rebecca Shipe
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
(310) 206-8409
Recent Courses
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SELECTED Publications
Shipe, R. F. and Brzezinski, M.A. (1999) A study of Si deposition synchrony in Rhizosolenia (Bacillariophyceae) mats using a novel 32Si autoradiographic method.Journal of Phycology 35:995-1004.
Shipe, R.F., Brzezinski, M.A., Pilskaln, C. and Villareal, T.A. (1999) Rhizosolenia mats: An overlooked source of silica production in the open sea.Limnology andOceanography.44(5):1282–1292.
Shipe, R. F. and Brzezinski, M.A. (2001) A time-series study of silica production and flux in an eastern boundary region: Santa Barbara Basin, California. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15:517-531.
Shipe, R. F., Passow, U., Brzezinski, M.A., Graham, M.A., Pak, D.K. Siegel, D.A. andAlldredge, A. L. (2002) Effects of the 1997-98 El Niño on seasonal variations in suspended and sinking particles in the Santa Barbara Basin.Progress in Oceanography.54:105-127.
Shipe, R.F., and Brzezinski, M.A. (2003) Siliceous plankton dominate primary and new productivity during onset of El Nino conditions in the Santa Barbara Basin, California. Journal of Marine Systems. 42:127-143.
Shipe, R.F., Curtaz, J.,Capone, D. G. and Carpenter, E. J. (2006)Diatom biomass and productivity in oceanic and plume-influenced waters of the western tropical Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Research I. 53:1320-1334.
Shipe R.F., Carpenter E.J., Govil S. and Capone D.G. (2007) Limitation of phytoplankton production by Si and N in the western Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 338:33-45.
Subramaniam, A., Yager, P.L., Carpenter, E. J., Mahaffey, C., Bjorkman, K., Cooley, S., Kustka, A.B., Montoya, J.P., Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S., Shipe, R. and Capone, D.G. (2008) Amazon River enhances diazotrophy and carbon sequestration in the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105:10460-10465.
Shipe, R.F., A. Leinweber, and N. Gruber (2008) Abiotic controls of potentially harmful algal blooms in Santa Monica Bay, California. Continental Shelf Research, 28:2584-2593.
Corcoran, A.A., Reifel, K.M., Jones, B.H. and Shipe, R.F. (2010) Spatiotemporal development of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of stormwater plumes in Santa Monica Bay, California (USA) Journal of Sea Research, 63:129-142.
Corcoran, A. A. and Shipe, R.F. (2011) Inshore-offshore and vertical patterns of phytoplankton biomass and community composition in Santa Monica Bay, CA (USA), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 94: 24-35.
Leblanc, K., Arístegui, J., Armand, L., Assmy, P., Beker, B., Bode, A., Breton, E., Cornet, V., Gibson, J., Gosselin, M.P., Kopczynska, E., Marshall, H., Peloquin, J., Piontkovski, S., Poulton, A.J., Quéguiner, B., Schiebel, R., Shipe, R., Stefels, J., van Leeuwe, M.A., Varela, M., Widdicombe, C., and Yallop, M.(2012) A global diatom database – abundance, biovolume and biomass in the world ocean. Earth System Science Data, 4:149-165.
Reifel, K.M, Corcoram, A.A., Cash, C., Shipe, R.F. and Jones, B.H. (2013) Effects of a Surfacing Effluent Plume on a Coastal Phytoplankton Community.Continental Shelf Research 60: 38-50.