omar isaac asensio

Omar Isaac Asensio

IDRE Postdoctoral scholar

Institute of the Environment & Sustainability

La Kretz Hall, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1496
Campus Mailcode: 1496

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Starting Fall 2017, Dr. Asensio will be an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology with focus in big data and public policy.

Omar I. Asensio was an IDRE postdoctoral scholar at the UCLA Center for Corporate Environmental Performance and the UCLA Anderson School of Management Ziman Center. 

Dr. Asensio’s research focuses on data-intensive problems related to energy, transportation and urban sustainability. He is currently studying the effects of information policies on energy efficiency and corporate performance. His research in energy conservation behavior was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and received media mentions in 42 countries, including Scientific American, Los Angeles Times, NPR, NBC News, CBS Radio, Economic Times and Yahoo! News. He is winner of the 2015 ONE-NBS Research Impact on Practice Award (RIPA) by the Academy of Management ONE Division. His latest paper on energy information policies in the commercial buildings sector is forthcoming at Nature Energy.



energy conservation behavior

Energy Conservation Behavior

UCLA ENGAGE investigates how real-time energy consumption feedback can be used as an effective tool for energy conservation. It applies insights from behavioral science to design optimal interventions for changing…

Recent Publications

Nonprice incentives and energy conservation

Asensio, O. I., Delmas, M. A.

Published Work | 2015 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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Information strategies and energy conservation behavior: A meta-analysis of experimental studies from 1975 to 2012

Delmas, M. A., Fischlein, M., & Asensio, O. I.

Published Work | 2013 | Energy Policy, Volume 61, Pages 729-739.

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