michael stenstrom

Michael K. Stenstrom

Distinguished Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

UCLA Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
5714 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593

(310) 825-1408


Michael K. Stenstrom is a Distinguished Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. His research and teaching are in the environmental engineering area with emphasis on biological treatment methods and applications of computing technologies to environmental engineering research. Over the past 15 years he has performed research to characterize stormwater and minimize its impacts on the environment.

He has had several administrative positions in the school including Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (8 years), Assistant Dean for Computing Resources and Associate Dean for Research and Facilities. He developed the SEASnet Computing Facility and in the 1980’s chaired the task force that created the campus network. He also serves as IoES director from 1998-1999.


B.S. Clemson University
M.S. Clemson University
Ph.D. Clemson University

Areas of Expertise

Process development for stormwater management and wastewater treatment systems, including mathematical modeling and optimization.


Recent experimental work has focused on estimating oxygen transfer in activated sludge plants, including high purity oxygen plants. Field studies are being conducted at plants to ascertain fine pore diffuser fouling rates and develop cleaning techniques. This work is coupled with theoretical and laboratory scale work to better determine the effects of surfactants on oxygen transfer through dynamic surface tension measurements. The results are now being applied to major energy conservation programs at several major treatment plants across the United States and Canada. Also, we are predicting the ability of energy conservation and process modifications at treatment plants for modifying the release of green house gases. Over the past 15 years we have developed ways for predicting pollutant emissions from stormwater runoff. We have developed several models to estimate pollutant emissions using the Santa Monica Bay watershed as a case study. These include empirical spreadsheet models as well as SWMM. Recent efforts have concentrated on calibrating both types of models. I am a participate or consultant to many agencies that are trying to improve the wastewater treatment or stormwater management.

Recent Publications

Southern Californian Environmental Report Card 1999

Richard Berk, Arthur M. Winer, Michael K. Stenstrom

Report Card | 1999

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Southern Californian Environmental Report Card 1998

Arthur M. Winer, Richard Berk, Richard P. Turco, Michael Stenstrom, Johannes Feddema, Richard F. Ambrose

Report Card | 1998

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