Scrub-Jays: an emerging model system for studying evolution and understanding conservation priorities in California. La Kretz Center postdoctoral researcher Dr. Devon DeRaad plans to use genomic approaches to characterize the genetic diversity and relatedness of scrub-jays throughout the state of California. This includes a…
Amphibian responses in the aftermath of extreme climate events Bucciarelli, G.M., Clark, M.A., Delaney, K.S., Riley S.P.D.,Shaffer, H.B., Fisher, R.N., Honeycutt, Rodney L., Kats, Lee B. Published Work | 2020 | Sci Rep 10, 3409 (2020) permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric
Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the black-bellied seedcracker (Pyresnestes ostrinus) Delaney, K. S.; Pires, D.; Holder, K.; Bardeleben, C.; Smith, T. B. Published Work | 2005 | Molecular Ecology Notes 5(4), 774–776 permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric
Adaptive units for conservation: Population distinction and historic extinctions in the island scrub-jay Delaney, K. S.; Wayne, R. K. Published Work | 2005 | Conservation Biology 19(2), 523–533. permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric