katharine davis reich

Katharine Davis Reich

Associate Director, Strategic Planning and Communications

Center for Climate Science

7343 Mathematical Sciences
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Campus Mailcode: Box 951565

Katharine Davis Reich is an associate director of the UCLA Center for Climate Science, focusing on strategic planning and communications. She works closely with the Center’s scientists to communicate about the findings and implications of their work with the media, policymakers, and other nonscientist audiences. Katharine also facilitates communication between scientists and researchers in various disciplines to create multidisciplinary research collaborations.

Katharine’s path to science communication is an untraditional one. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Wesleyan University, she spent ten years working in consumer health magazine and web journalism, where she translated medical research into health information for people with chronic diseases. Always interested in environmental science and increasingly concerned about climate change, Katharine sought to apply her communications skills to improving public understanding of climate science, earning a Master of Arts in Environmental Conservation Education from New York University in 2012. She joined Alex Hall’s research group and the Center for Climate Science in 2013.


the california climate expedition

The California Climate Expedition

The California Climate Expedition is an annual bicycle journey led by Center for Climate Science director Alex Hall and our partners at OnePulse. Each journey explores climate change impacts and solutions first-hand and raises funds for a critical area of climate-related research.

ensuring the sustainability of los angeles water management under climate change

Ensuring the Sustainability of Los Angeles Water Management Under Climate Change

In Fall 2018, the UCLA IoES Center for Climate Science kicked off a new five-year project aimed at improving the sustainability of water management operations and planning in Los Angeles County. Our researchers will work closely with key water agencies to ensure that water resources managers take cutting-edge climate science into account.

los angeles regional climate assessment

Los Angeles Regional Climate Assessment

For more than a decade, the State of California has undertaken periodic scientific assessments with the goal of understanding future climate change impacts on the state. For the first three…

climate change in the los angeles region

Climate Change in the Los Angeles Region

The most comprehensive study of climate change in LA to date, the Climate Change in the Los Angeles Region Project was conducted by Center for Climate Science Faculty Director Alex Hall and his research group between 2010 and 2015. Dr. Hall and his team developed a novel method for bringing global climate model projections to high spatial resolution, creating neighborhood-by-neighborhood projections of future climate over the greater Los Angeles region under different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions.

climate change in the sierra nevada

Climate Change in the Sierra Nevada

Using an innovative technique to produce high-resolution future climate projections, our team is answering key questions about the fate of the Sierra Nevada snowpack, a critical natural resource that not only supports an iconic ecosystem but also provides freshwater to millions of Californians.

climate change in los angeles county: grid vulnerability to extreme heat

Climate Change in Los Angeles County: Grid Vulnerability to Extreme Heat

In this project, UCLA and Arizona State University researchers developed a sophisticated and in-depth description of future electricity demand, grid response, and vulnerability due to increased heat events in Southern California Edison territory under current and future climate scenarios. The project's findings enable innovative grid management and operation strategies and identify adaptation guidance.

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