Juliana Tampus

Faculty Advisors

At the technical forefront of global environmental sustainability

Juliana Tampus is a first year ESE student interested in utilizing her technical experience gained by working at The Boeing Company for the past two years. She would like to support companies in following upcoming sustainability policy to drive the overall movement for a cleaner planet. In working for Boeing, it became apparent that every company, specifically manufacturing companies, are significantly impacting the total global emissions. It is not only important to follow sustainable policy, we must instill company leaders that believe in the policy.

Her education background includes a BS in Engineering Physics from Vanguard University and her recent completion of a Master of Engineering in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, with an emphasis on Energy Systems, from UC Irvine. During her Masters program she had the privilege to complete a six month research project on identifying energy losses within a Hydrogen fuel station, owned and operated by True Zero, an industry leader in Hydrogen fuel stations in the US. She is prepared to dive into a program based on supporting the development of environmental sciences.

She admires UCLA’s ESE programs because of the commitment to bettering the surrounding community and the greater Los Angeles. Juliana’s interest in supporting sustainability rooted in her being born and raised on Kaua’i, HI. The island environment is so sensitive to changing climate which is constantly eroding roads and beaches. It is of utmost importance to find solutions that will affect island communities such as hers. Secondarily, she is a lover of the outdoors. Being a rock climber, there is so many safety concerns regarding integrity of rock formations that are being put at risk due to changing climate. She would like to allow future generations to experience the natural beauty this world has to offer, limiting harsh environmental exposure will support this.