Jennifer Taylor
D.Env. Student on Residency
Environmental Science and Engineering
Jennifer Taylor is a doctoral student in the Environmental Science and Engineering Program at UCLA with a concentration in environmental and water management. Specifically, she is interested in how to appropriately manage our natural areas to ensure that they can thrive as earth continues to be impacted by overpopulation and development. She is currently working on two projects on coastal mitigation for sea level rise. One project evaluates an experimental method to help wetlands maintain their elevation if sea level rise outpaces their ability to stay within the intertidal zone. The other project investigates the fate of rocky intertidal habitats in southern California based on sea level rise and coastal armoring. Jennifer holds a Master of Science in Environmental Health Sciences from UCLA, a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from UMass, Amherst, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from UMass Amherst.