Gabriela Carr field photo

Gabriela Carr

Ph.D. Student

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Pronouns: she/her

Improving urbanized coastlines to be resilient marine habitat

Gabriela (Gabi) Carr (she/her) is a second year PhD student. Her research focuses on urban marine ecosystems in Los Angeles, and particularly on the use of coastal infrastructure as habitat. Born and raised in New York City, she has since lived in Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles, each city encouraging her fascination with urban habitats in new ways. She currently uses environmental DNA as her primary survey method, and will incorporate circulation modeling and remote sensing with drones as well. Her master’s work at University of Washington focused on the impact of septic systems on Washington shellfish harvest sites under sea level rise conditions. Prior to the master’s, she worked in environmental education in Los Angeles. As an undergraduate at Northwestern University, her research ranged from prairie restoration to ocean acidification impacts.