erik porse, phd

Erik Porse

Assistant Adjunct Professor

California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA

La Kretz Hall, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Pronouns: he/him

Erik is a systems analyst focusing on resource management in urban and natural systems. He uses modeling to inform infrastructure planning. Erik specializes in leading multidisciplinary applied research projects and is the principal architect for the Artes model of urban water resources management in Los Angeles County. Erik has a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Masters degree in Public Policy. He holds appointments at UCLA as an Assistant Adjunct Professor and Sacramento State University, where he is a Research Engineer in the Office of Water Programs and the US EPA Region 9 Environmental Finance Center.

From 2014 to 2017, he was a postdoctoral scholar and Associate Research Director at CCSC. Before returning to graduate school, he worked as an adjunct professor and leader for Earlham College’s study abroad program in Tanzania, a science policy analyst, a systems engineer for the United Nations, and an intelligence analyst for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.


Erik Porse CV


water sprinkler

Water Management Conservation and Planning

This project analyzed the environmental and economic impacts of proposed state regulations for water use. This grant has high policy impact for managing urban water budgets. CCSC brings novel understandings about water use by urban park departments in California and how much is needed to maintain vegetation health with an emphasis on trees.

la water hub

LA Water Hub

The Water Hub is a dynamic visualization and mapping platform (; an online data repository for viewing and finding water-related information in Los Angeles County.

ucla energy atlas

UCLA Energy Atlas

The UCLA Energy Atlas is the first of its kind interactive web atlas that provides access to the largest and most disaggregated building energy data available in the nation. It now comprises data from both Southern California and the Bay Area.

Recent Publications

Municipal Stormwater Management Spending in California: Data Extraction, Compilation, and Analysis

David Babchanik, Danielle Salt, Maureen Kerner, Brian Currier, Erik Porse

Published Work | 2022 | Environmental Management

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Climate change risk and adaptation costs for stormwater management in California coastal parklands

Erik Porse, Cristina Poindexter, Christian Carelton & Michael Stephens

Published Work | 2021 | Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

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Stay-at-Home Orders during the COVID-19 Pandemic Reduced Urban Water Use

Dongyue Li, Ruth A. Engel, Xiaoyu Ma, Erik Porse, Jonathan D. Kaplan, Steven A. Margulis, and Dennis P. Lettenmaier

Published Work | 2021 | Environmental Science & Technology Letters

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Net solar generation potential from urban rooftops in Los Angeles

Erik Porse, Eric Fournier, Dan Cheng, Claire Hirashiki, Hannah Gustafson, Felicia Federico, Stephanie Pincetl

Published Work | 2020 | Energy Policy

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Groundwater Exchange Pools and Urban Water Supply Sustainability: Modeling Directed and Undirected Networks

E. Porse, K. Mika, R. Williams, M. Gold. W. Blomquist, S. Pincetl

Published Work | 2018 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

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The economic value of local water supplies in Los Angeles

E. Porse, K. Mika, E. Litvak, K. Manago, T. Hogue, M. Gold, D. Pataki, S. Pincetl

Published Work | 2018 | Nature Sustainability

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Open data and Stormwater Systems in Los Angeles: Applications for Equitable Green Infrastructure

E. Porse

Published Work | 2018 | The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

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Systems Analysis and Optimization of Local Water Supplies in Los Angeles

E. Porse, K. Mika, E. Litvak, K. Manago, K. Naik, M. Glickfeld, T. Hogue, M. Asce, M. Gold, D. Pataki, S. Pincetl

Other | 2017 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

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Evaluating the Effects of Turf-Replacement Programs in Los Angeles County

Stephanie Pincetl, Thomas W. Gillespie, Diane Pataki, Erik Porse, Shenyue Jia, Erika Kidera, Nick Nobles, Janet Rodriguez, Dong-ha Choi

Progress Report | 2017

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Whither Urban Water Policy in California: Regional Implications

S. Pincetl, E. Porse

Presentation | 2017

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Structural, geographic, and social factors in urban building energy use: Analysis of aggregated account-level consumption data in a megacity

E. Porse, J. Derenski, H.Gustafson, Z.Elizabeth, S.Pincetl

Published Work | 2016 | Energy Policy


Water Management in Los Angeles County: a Research Report

S. Pincetl, M. Glickfeld, D. Cheng, M. Cope, K. Naik, E. Porse, P. Cleland, C. Hirashiki, E. Merton, K. Holdsworth, C. Kuklowski

Working Paper | 2015

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