david rigby

David Rigby


Department of Geography

1255 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1524
Campus Mailcode: 152403

(310) 825-7334



B.A. Geography, University of Salford, 1981
M.A. Geography, McMaster University, 1983
Thesis: The Long Wave of Accumulation in Canada 1950-1980
Ph.D. Geography, McMaster University, 1988
Thesis: Technical Change in Canadian Manufacturing: A Regional Analysis

Research Interests

Evolutionary Models of Technological Change
Impacts of Trade
Regional Growth and Uneven Development

Selected Publications

Kemeny, T. and D.L. Rigby 2011. Trading Away What Kind of Jobs? Globalization, Trade and Tasks in the U.S. Economy. Forthcoming in Review of World Economics.

Brown, W.M. and D.L. Rigby 2010. Agglomeration Economies: Where Do They Come From and To Whom Do They Flow? In Dynamic Geographies, Baathelt, H., Feldman, M., Gertler, M. and D. Kogler (eds.).

Baldwin, J.R., Brown, W.M. and D.L. Rigby 2010. Agglomeration Economies: Micro-Data Panel Estimates from Canadian Manufacturing. Journal of Regional Science.

Essletzbichler, J. and D.L. Rigby 2010. Generalized Darwinism and Evolutionary Economic Geography. In The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Boschma, R. and R. Martin (eds.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Burt, J., Barber, G. and D.L. Rigby 2009. Elementary Statistics for Geographers (3rd ed.) New York: Guilford Press.

Breau, S. and D.L. Rigby 2009. International Trade and Wage Inequality in Canada. Journal of Economic Geography.

Rigby, D.L. and S. Breau 2008. Impacts of Trade on Wage Inequality in Los Angeles: Analysis using Matched Employer-Employee Data. Annals of the Association of American Geographers.