[Commentary] Biodiversity hotspots and beyond: the need for preserving environmental transitions Smith, T. B.; Kark, S.; Schneider, C. J.; Wayne, R. K.; Moritz, C. Published Work | 2001 | Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16(8), 431 permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric
Refugial isolation vs. ecological gradients: Testing alternative mechanisms of evolutionary divergence in four rainforest vertebrates Smith, T. B.; Schneider, C. J.; Holder, K. Published Work | 2001 | Genetica 112, 383–398 permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric
Diversification of rainforest faunas: An integrated molecular approach Moritz, C.; Patton, J.; Schneider, C.; Smith, T. B. Published Work | 2000 | Annual Reviews of Ecology and Systematics 31, 533–563 permalink
A test of alternative models of diversification in tropical rainforest: ecological gradients vs. rainforest refugia Schneider, C.; Smith, T. B.; Larison, B.; Moritz, C. Published Work | 1999 | roceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96(24), 13869–13873 permalink