Integrative tracking methods elucidate the evolutionary dynamics of a migratory divide Alvarado, A. H.; Fuller, T. L.; Smith, T. B. Published Work | 2014 | Ecology and Evolution 4(17), 3456–3469 permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric
Novel statistical methods for integrating genetic and stable isotope data to infer individual-level migratory connectivity Rundel, C. W.; Wunder, M. B.; Alvarado, A. H.; Ruegg, K. C.; Harrigan, R.; Schuh, A.; Kelly, J. F.; Siegal, R. B.; DeSante, D. F.; Smith, T. B.; Novembre, J. Published Work | 2013 | Molecular Ecology 22(16), 4163–4176 permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric
Testing the function of petal displays in the red-backed fairy-wren Karubian, J.; Alvarado, A. Published Work | 2003 | Emu 103(1), 87–92 permalink Social media impact badge provided by Altmetric