Adriana Garmendia
International Research Associate
Ecology of Fragmented Landscapes Laboratory Center for Tropical Research
Ecology of Fragmented Landscapes Laboratory
Center of Ecosystems Research
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Campus Morelia
Morelia Michoacán
+ (443) 3222777 Ext. 32850
Research Interests
In general my research line is focus in working with wildlife that habits in modified landscapes. I’m really interested in knowing how wildlife (in particular
mammals) responds to different processes like habitat loss, fragmentation, or the spatial landscape configuration of these new systems.
B.S. (Biology). National Autonomous University of Mexico. Honor Thesis: Distribution and abundance of rodents in the campus of University City, Mexico city; with emphasis in Peromyscus gratus (Muridae). 2009
M.Sc. (Environmental Biology). Center of Ecosystems Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Thesis: Habitat fragmentation effects under medium and large mammals diversity in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas: a landscape approximation.
Internship, Center for Tropical Research, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California, Los Angeles. Research to estimate the “Changes in phylogenetic structure and diversity of mammal assemblages related to differences in landscape spatial patterns”. 2012.
Field Instructor. At the NGO “Ecology Project International (Mexico)”. 2012.
Field Assistant, in the project “Effects of fragmentation per se on populations of Allouata pigra in the rainforest Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico ” Ecology of Fragmented Landscapes, Center of Ecosystems Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico. 2011.
Field Assistant, in the project “Population estimation and habitat characterization on Tapirus bairdii in the Biosphere Reserve El Triunfo, Chiapas, Mexico ”. Tropical population and community ecology laboratory, Center of Ecosystems Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico. 2010.
Research and Field assistant, Interactions and Ecological Processes Laboratory, School of Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Research within the project “Vertebrate activities monitoring in two zones under ecological restoration in the Ecological Reserve of Pedregal de San Ángel”. 2009-2010.