
Core Faculty

Alan Barreca

Associate Professor

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

William Boyd

Professor of Law

UCLA School of Law; Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Magali (Maggie) Delmas

Professor of Management; Director, Leadership in Sustainability Certificate Program

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Anderson School of Management

Robert Eagle

Assistant Professor

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Alex Hall

Director, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability; Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Faculty Director, Sustainable LA Grand Challenge

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Ursula K. Heise

Professor and LENS Director

Department of English, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Liz Koslov

Assistant Professor

Department of Urban Planning, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Karen Aline McKinnon

Associate Professor

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Department of Statistics

Stephanie Pincetl

Founding Director of CCSC and Professor

California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA; Chair, PhD in Environment and Sustainability;

Deepak Rajagopal

Associate Professor

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Marilyn Raphael


Department of Geography and the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Pablo Saide

Associate Professor

Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences; Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

H. Bradley Shaffer

Director, UCLA La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science

Distinguished Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Aradhna Tripati

Professor, CDLS Director & P.I.

Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences

Associate Senate Faculty

Paul Barber


Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Ann Carlson

Dan and Rae Emmett Professor of Environmental Law, and Faculty Co-Director

School of Law, Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

Kyle Cavanaugh

Vice Director, Marine Center; Associate Professor

UCLA Department of Geography

Rajit Gadh


Director, UCLA Smart Grid Energy Research Center

Thomas Gillespie

Co-Chair, Environmental Science and Engineering (D.Env.) Program; Professor

Department of Geography

Susanna Hecht


Department of Urban Planning, School of Public Affairs

David Jacobs

Vice Chair of Outreach and Infrastructure, Marine Center; Professor

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Jennifer Jay

Chair, B.S. in Environmental Science; Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Glen MacDonald

WMRC Director, John Muir Memorial Chair in Geography and Distinguished Professor, Founding Director, Water Resources Group

Department of Geography, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Shaily Mahendra

Associate Professor and Samueli Fellow

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Timothy Malloy

Faculty Director, UCLA Sustainable Technology and Policy Program

School of Law, School of Public Health

Elsa Ordway

Co-Director, Center for Tropical Research; Co-Director, Congo Basin Institute

Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Edward Parson

Dan and Rae Emmett Professor of Environmental Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

School of Law

Suzanne Paulson

Professor and Center for Clean Air Director

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Laurent Pilon


Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering and Bioengineering, UCLA Samueli School Of Engineering

Michael Ross


Department of Political Science and International Institute

Lawren Sack


Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Monica L. Smith

Professor, Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair in Indian Studies

Department of Anthropology; Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Victoria Sork

Director, Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden; Professor

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Michael Stenstrom

Distinguished Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Mel Suffet

Distinguished Professor

Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Science and Engineering Program

Yifang Zhu

Center for Clean Air Associate Director and Professor

Department of Environmental Health Sciences

Felipe Zapata

Co-director, Center for Tropical Research

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology