La Kretz Center scientists apply new genomic tools to the conservation of understudied organisms
Brad Shaffer and Evan McCartney-Melstad are featured in the August 2018 podcast from the journal Heredity, which broadcasts interviews with the people behind the journal, the science and a digest of breaking news.
The focus of the podcast is the application of new genomic methods to understudied organisms, including a recent study published by Shaffer and McCartney-Melstad on an endangered species of western US frog (Population genomic data reveal extreme geographic subdivision and novel conservation actions for the declining foothill yellow-legged frog).
Click here to listen to Brad and Evan discuss their application of genomics tools when revisiting the population genetics of the declining foothill yellow-legged frog and how their work may help the US Fish and Wildlife Service determination of whether or not it should be listed under the Endangered Species Act. Their interview begins about 10 minutes into the podcast.