2020 pritzker award finalist leah penniman in today: soup joumou, a haitian symbol of independence, at the center of bon appétit controversy

2020 Pritzker Award Finalist Leah Penniman in Today: Soup joumou, a Haitian symbol of independence, at the center of Bon Appétit controversy

In “The Rise,” the recipe bears the title “Independence Soup,” but in Bon Appétit’s print issue and on the magazine’s website, the soup was published under the title “Soup Joumou,” referring to the beloved soup that many Haitians enjoy, especially on New Year’s Day. Soon after its digital publication, users started accusing the magazine of disrespecting the dish and rated the recipe one out of five stars to express their disapproval.  2020 Pritzker Award finalst LeahPenniman explained that the dish is a reminder of both oppression and freedom.

“The symbolism of this pumpkin being used to mark our (Haitian) liberation is very, very important so whenever I taste or as they say, sip the soup joumou, I have an opportunity to think about the resiliency of my ancestors and of oppressed peoples around the world to shake off tyranny and the ways that that can be connected with the fruits of the earth and our relationship to the land.”