By Lillian Wherry

The Resilience Team is in motion! Now that the skies have cleared, we got a chance to tour the UCLA campus, looking for the perfect spot to implement a storm water capture system. So far, we have narrowed down our locations to behind Boelter Hall, in between Franz and Geology, and behind Botany, in the outskirts of the beautiful Botanical gardens.

Finding our perfect location has led us to uncover some hidden gems on the campus, including the incredible hummingbird feeder site outside of Geology. Throughout the day, you can find tons of birds singing and flying around. Boelter Hall, however, appears to be our leading choice. Fairly secluded and shaded, the courtyard is located on a flat surface with surrounding buildings that could help us get ample water collection.

We are having the sites evaluated, and will be making our final decision most likely in the upcoming week. This past week, we also completed our lit review. Each team member researched and summarized topics such as efficiency, cost, types, etc. of water capture systems. We are looking forward to getting more rain this weekend, and are currently working on our contract!