IoES Magazine

getting a better grip on gas taxes


Getting a better grip on gas taxes

David Colgan

A study of gasoline taxes and subsidies in 157 countries shows global regression, even as a majority of countries made progress. It also offers a benchmark for holding governments accountable in the future.

l.a. river is a living experiment


L.A. River is a living experiment

Belinda Waymouth

The L.A. River is getting a massive makeover. To many Angelenos, the cement-lined urban waterway has become a symbol of future hope that past environmental harm can be remedied. A…

a fresh water perspective from africa


A fresh water perspective from Africa

Claudia Flores

The borehole well has an electric-powered pump, so power outages also mean water outages. I had bottled water to drink, but then I realized that no power means I can’t…

hetch hetchy gushes over wetlands


Hetch Hetchy gushes over wetlands

Belinda Waymouth

A different story is unfolding at Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park, where water is being released to conserve and restore wildlife. In a state wracked with drought, the…

do eco-friendly wines taste better?


Do eco-friendly wines taste better?

Alison Hewitt

Though consumers remain reluctant to spend more on wine from organic grapes, the new study from UCLA researchers shows that in blind taste-tests professional wine reviewers give eco-certified wines higher…

building sustainable water sources in uganda


Building sustainable water sources in Uganda

David Colgan

The UCLA environmental science student will be blogging weekly about the experience. You can follow her adventures on Medium, where she recently chronicled the project she’s working on and her…

bringing cities together for a greener future


Bringing cities together for a greener future

David Colgan

Luckily, they also have Yoram Cohen in common. Cohen is a UCLA professor of chemical engineering who takes a global approach to sustainability. Last year, while participating in a conference…

earth day: then and now


Earth Day: then and now

Peter Kareiva

The first Earth Day was covered for ten hours by The Today Show in 1970—a time when there was no cable television and network coverage meant a lot more than…

recycled water is good for your health


Recycled water is good for your health

David Colgan

For decades, recycling has been a focal point for environmentalists. And yet California—a state known for its progressive, earth-friendly ethos—has been slow to recycle an important and scarce resource: water.…